Why Aren’t TV Remotes Rechargeable? (Read This First)

Why Aren’t TV Remotes Rechargeable? (Read This First)

You’ve undoubtedly pondered why rechargeable remote controllers don’t exist at some point in your life. Why do the batteries need to be changed every time? Except for the TV remote, modern equipment typically comes with rechargeable batteries. Why don’t most TV remote controls use rechargeable batteries like phones or game controllers instead of alkaline batteries?…

Will Washing Machine Kill Maggots, Roaches, & Molds? (Best Ways To Kill Them)

Will Washing Machine Kill Maggots, Roaches, & Molds? (Best Ways To Kill Them)

Packing dirty clothes in the basket while waiting for laundry day is common. However, while this may seem easy to get the job done, it can cause some problems.  Such dirty clothes with odors, food remnants, and moistness make a perfect shelter for maggots, mold, and roaches.  And like you, many have also wondered if…