
Why Do Tv Remotes Use Infrared? (All You Need To Know)

Everything we do nowadays requires us to press buttons to switch settings or scroll through menus. It includes the remote controls we use on our TV sets.

These remotes are arcane devices with tiny buttons which use infrared light to control our television functions, but why do they use infrared lights?

TV Remote controls use Infrared to send signal information from the remote control to the television without using radio waves or a direct line of sight as other methods require because it cannot be seen or heard and does not interfere with other frequencies signal transmitters. 

Why Do TV Remotes Use IR Instead of RF?

Why Do Tv Remotes Use Infrared?

Since infrared transmissions are more dependable than radio waves, TV remote controls connect better with TVs using infrared rather than radio frequency. 

Additionally, infrared signals are more resistant to bandwidth congestion than other signals. They cannot also be interfered with by other signals.

There are several television IR remotes, ranging from the most affordable with only one IR transmitter to higher-end versions with multiple IR transmitters.

When it comes to timing precision, infrared protocols are particularly strong.

It is still possible to discriminate between zero and one bit, even with significantly high clock instability. 

Clock faults are substantially more noticeable in RF communication.

As a result, before beginning payload decoding, the receiver must measure the incoming data frame clock.

Another primary advantage of employing IR over RF is that infrared photons are undetectable to anyone not wearing specific measuring equipment.

It implies you may use them publicly without raising the alarm or suspicion.

Infrared remote controls are also less expensive to produce. Manufacturers, therefore, prefer them because of their affordability and dependability.

Line-of-sight requirements for Infrared boost safety because the operator needs to see the object being controlled to operate it. 

Additionally, the user is at ease knowing that no RF device can obstruct their system. 

Infrared technology is also more secure than radio frequency technology since it does not broadcast signals from one device to another across vast distances.

However, while Infrared remotes have limited distances to work with, RF can operate over a considerably wider range and pass through various materials, but Infrared cannot. 

It is a major downside with Infrared remotes as it gives users more freedom and control when barriers and terrain obstruct their line of sight.

The table below will give you insight into the major differences between infrared and radio frequencies;

InfraredRadio Frequency
You cannot use IR over long distancesRF can be used over very distant ranges
IR is a cost-friendly optionRF is very expensive
The signal can’t pass through walls and other objectsIt is very easy for RF to pass through walls and other objects
Other signals can’t interfere with IR.Other signals can interfere with a radio frequency.
IR requires line of sight to operateRF does not require line of sight for use
It is very difficult to intercept IR signalsOther signals can easily intercept RF signals
The frequency bandwidth of IR is rarely congestedThe frequency bandwidth of RF can be congested

Why Are Tv Remote Rays Invisible?

Human eyes can see only a limited portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. 

The range of light that people can see ends at infrared light, which has a shorter frequency, greater wavelengths, and less energy per photon than red light.

The lower frequency, longer wavelengths, and lesser energy per photon of TV IR beams render them undetectable to our eyes.

Far infrared, produced by warm things, and near-infrared, closest to the visible spectrum, are two common divisions of infrared light. 

Remote controllers frequently employ a diode that generates light with a wavelength of about nine hundred and forty nanometers, or near-infrared light, to transmit signals to televisions.

Yet, while they are invisible to human eyes, most digital cameras can detect near-infrared light, although some contain filters to block it. 

It appears on the screen like visible light. The camera might capture a pulsing light that the remote control emits when a button is pressed. 

To operate the television, the pulses are coded. Visible light and infrared light have distinct effects on various materials. 

Do Smart Tv Remotes Use Infrared?

Yes, Smart TV remotes send signals to the Smart TV using infrared. As a result, you may operate your TV without touching the screen from a distance. 

This form of technology has been around for a long time and has shown to be dependable.

It is also quite simple and can be used by anybody with minimal electrical understanding.

Furthermore, infrared transmissions are unaffected by light interference, making them ideal for usage in dimly lit spaces. 

The IR receiver on the front or back of the TV is where the TV picks up the remote’s signals.

The IR receiver on the front of the TV detects the remote’s light, which is subsequently translated into a function instruction by the TV’s main processor. 

The processor then sends a signal through an HDMI, cable, or RF connection to the screen; it carries out this function as it does so.

The user never notices any lag between the remote and the TV because this procedure moves very swiftly.

When you move the remote, the signal may lose strength and need to be resent, increasing overall system latency.

Can Infrared Remote Signals Penetrate Walls?

Infrared remote signals require an open channel between the remote control transmitter and the sensor on the electronic gadget to communicate successfully.

The signal’s range is constrained since infrared is a light wave and cannot pass through walls or other solid things. 

They lack the energy and power to penetrate the walls and would instead be absorbed by them. 

In a sense, some IR energy would “pass through,” but not the incident waves themselves, because the energy absorbed by the walls would be radiated within the home.

It is referred to as a line of sight. Although objects can block the signal, they cannot be intercepted or hacked and are unaffected by interference from other electrical transmissions. 

Most of the time, walls are substantial and well-insulated enough to block any infrared radiation from the opposite side. 

An infrared remote will detect heat from the wall when pointed at one, not the object concealed behind it. 

However, a lens can detect it on the wall’s surface if something inside the wall generates a significant enough temperature differential. Infrared rays cannot pass through other materials, such as glass.

Yet, clear glass is not a barrier to near-infrared light, which reflects off mirrors and other metal surfaces. 

Since glass has its heat signature and emits some IR rays, infrared rays cannot penetrate it. Walls would therefore be a far cry for IR rays to pass through.

However, you should be able to control your television even if the remote is covered in plastic because most black plastic trash bags let in infrared light.

How Far Away Can Infrared Remotes Work?

At a distance of up to 30 meters from the object they are controlling, infrared remote controls are effective.

Remember that this range may change based on the design of your home and the infrared remote. 

It is the perfect distance for controlling gadgets in a big space, like the TV in your living room.

However, your control will become less exact the further you are from the device. 

It is because infrared light, a weak signal, is used by infrared remote controls, and you must install an infrared receiver on the appliance to receive these signals. 

It won’t be a problem if you are less than 30 meters away from the equipment. 

You cannot adequately receive the infrared signals unless you have a direct line of sight to the transmitter. 

The signal won’t be able to travel if there is an obstruction between the transmitter and the receiver. 

More costly remotes include several transmitters, generally two to four. It lets the remote deliver IR signals from numerous angles. 

It eliminates the need to aim the remote straight at the television. It will occupy more of the room but will not completely solve the line-of-sight issues.

Your ability to control the appliance will be hindered if you try to operate it from an area in your house where other pieces of furniture are blocking your line of sight.

An IR beam’s length is influenced by the LED transmitter’s power and light intensity.

Due to a weak battery or a small LED diameter, certain devices may have a range of fewer than 15 meters.

Final Thoughts

TV remotes employ infrared over radio frequencies to control and operate TVs since interference from other transmission waves is impossible.

Once the operator has a clear line of sight, they use an infrared transmitter and receiver to broadcast and receive digital light pulses.

However, it has a disadvantage compared to radio frequencies since they may function over greater distances than infrared and do not require a clear line of sight to work.

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